Hyfforddiant Rhagfarn Ddiarwybod

About this course

Peth ardderchog yw eich bod chi’n awyddus i ddarganfod mwy am ragfarn ddiarwybod, oherwydd po fwyaf y byddwn ni’n dod i’w wybod am ein rhagfarnau ni, y mwyaf y gallwn ni gyfyngu ar eu heffeithiau nhw, oherwydd mae’r rhagfarnau sydd gennym ni heb wybod amdanyn nhw yn gallu arwain at wahaniaethu anfwriadol. Os yw’r syniad am ragfarn ddiarwybod yn newydd i chi (fe elwir honno weithiau yn rhagfarn ymhlyg) neu os ydych chi wedi ystyried y mater yn fanwl eisoes, po fwyaf agored y byddwn ni, y mwyaf y gallwn ni ei ddysgu sut i wrthsefyll effeithiau hynny. Yn wir, nid ymarfer i’w wneud un waith ac am byth yw rhoi ystyriaeth i’n rhagfarnau ni, ond mae’n rhaid i ymarfer o’r fath fod yn rhan o daith barhaus o ran ymwybyddiaeth a newid. Yn y cwrs hwn, fe fyddwn ni’n ystyried yr hyn y mae rhagfarn ddiarwybod yn ei olygu, ei ddylanwad, ac, yn ganolog, pa gamau y gallwn ni eu cymryd nhw i helpu cyfyngu ar wneud pethau ar sail ein rhagfarnau ni. Fe gewch chi weithio trwy’r deunydd yn eich amser eich hun, a chlicio ar unrhyw ddolenni lliw glas sydd o ddiddordeb pe byddech chi’n dymuno edrych ar y rhain gyda mwy o fanylder. Fe geir cwestiynau drwy gydol y cwrs y gallwch chi ymgysylltu â’r rhain pe byddai hynny o gymorth i chi wrth i’r hyn a ddysgwch chi ymwreiddio, ond nid cwrs sy’n cael ei asesu mohono, felly nid oes raid i chi ateb y cwestiynau os nad ydych chi’n dymuno gwneud hynny. Mae rhai pobl yn cael eu heffeithio gan ragfarn yn fwy na phobl eraill. Cofiwch ofalu amdanoch chi eich hun wrth i chi fynd drwy’r cwrs hwn.

Gallwch ymrestru eich hun ar y cwrs hwn trwy glicio ar y botwm ‘cofrestru’.


Some people may have already undertaken some Unconscious Bias training with the Methodist Church, such as that found here: Introduction to Unconscious Bias – for church councils, circuit meetings and other groups (methodist.org.uk) but there is no requirement to have already done this.


Mae'r fersiwn yma o'r cwrs yn Gymraeg, if it would benefit you to take the course in English please enrol in Unconscious Bias Training instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

“How do I enrol in this Unconscious Bias course?”

Use the ‘Enroll’ button at the top of this page. If you already have a MCBX (or a TheologyX) account you can log in using the same details to connect this course to your MCBX dashboard. From your Dashboard you can then begin the course by clicking the ‘view course’ button.

"I don't have an MCBX account can I still enrol?"

If you do not yet have an MCBX account (or previously an account on TheologyX) you can create an account today for the first time. As soon as you click ‘Enroll’ for this course you will be redirected to the account creation or the sign in options. If you create an account, please check your inbox for the activation verification email which confirms the existence of your email address and that you have not made a typo while entering your details. Please note that 'usernames' must be unique and cannot contain spaces try using underscore (_) or dash (-) or your name without spaces.

"The account creation process for MCBX says my email address is already in use but I don't remember the password"

More details is available for this question on the FAQs page. Your email address will be part of the wider database on one of the sister sites of MCBX. Try going to TheologyX and requesting your password reset email from there before returning to MCBX once you have reset your password. If it still doesn't recognise you immediately, wait 10 minutes for the system to catch up with the change and then try logging in to MCBX again with the new password.

Why won’t it let me progress to the next stage of the course?

Please ensure that you’ve watched all the videos right to the end, scrolled to the bottom of the pages, opened any links to additional resources and answered all the questions on a page.

I'm already enrolled in this course, but I keep getting back to this page, how do I find my course again?"

You can return to the course from your dashboard if you are signed in to MCBX, or you can click the 'go to course' button at the top of this page. If the button currently reads as 'enroll' but need to log in to your MCBX account first.
Course Information