Supporting Accessibility at 3Generate

About This Course

Accessibility goes far beyond just being able to go through the front gates, so we want the young people and volunteers at 3Generate to be able to fully access as much of the weekend as possible. Follow through this series of training videos to learn more about the additional needs that some of our young people might have; why it is our responsibility as the Church to make sure we are doing all we can to support others to join in; how multisensory input can create environments of welcome and finally what this looks like in practice at 3Generate. We would love to hear your reflections. How are you hoping to encourage young people to engage fully and what else we can do to support you or any young people you may be bringing?


If you are part of the Delivery team for 3Generate you must complete this course and post the certificate onto your 'IKnowChurch' profile.
Course Information